The “P” is Psilent

Emily paints Pshrimp’s name on It happens, from time to time, that an alert reader or acquaintance will express wonder …

A Paper Trail for a Plywood Boat

Spring, where we live, always comes in fits and starts. Last month I wore shorts to work; two days later …

A Season for Not Much

February in New England When King Solomon famously said that there is a season for everything, he obviously had not …

A Man’s Home is His Boatyard

A tiny schooner, a canopy, and a dinghy. Of all the advantages of owning a decent-sized property rather than renting …

Feeling Technical

When I pitched the idea of a series of boatbuilding articles to Cruising World magazine fourteen years ago, I sent …

Casting Bread on the Waters

What goes around comes around, they say. I little imagined, when I gave away my first cruising boat more than …

Post in the Time of Pandemic

I had hoped, while writing the last blog post, that by the time I wrote this next one the whole …

Nothing to Blog About

For the last, oh, more than a year now, the realization has been growing that it’s been a long time …

A Seafaring State of Mind

Life—at least mine—seems to come in phases. There are seasons when it feels like all I do is grind itchy …

A Navigation Experiment

After spending only half the winter grinding fiberglass in the boat shop I mentioned in my last post, my full-time …

Always Just a Little More

And if I haven’t blogged all winter, it’s mostly because, unlike last winter when I had plenty of time to …
Coracle in the Kickemuit: center of excellence

Will There Be A Mad Cow?

My wife Danielle and I have been married for quite some time. How long exactly I can’t say—no doubt my …
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