An Accidental Enterprise

Packaged gear for the new webstore. One of the things that keeps life interesting is trying new things: a new …

A Foray into the Fast Unknown

Ganymede: a heavy, full-keel, gaff-rigged cutter. It has probably become obvious to the alert reader that I’m partial to full-keel, …

A Synthetic Rigging Upgrade: Vectran to Dyneema

Ganymede sailing hard with synthetic rigging. Masthead with soft attachments and the Lashing Tang When we first rigged Ganymede’s light-pole …

Refit and Relaunch

Picking Ganymede up with an hydraulic trailer Launching by trailer at a public launch ramp in Bristol The surest way …

Believe in the Method

The beginning of the method And if I haven’t had time to update this blog lately, dear Reader: be comforted! …


For the enthusiastic boater, that last little bit of autumn when the daytime temperature still gets above fifty degrees is …
Greenland Fjord

Returning to Normal?

The Arctic is not most people’s “normal” I wondered, as Polar Sun rolled downwind across the Beaufort Sea along the …

The Final Push is Half the Battle.

Gjoa Haven, on King WIllian Island, Nunavut. It was as if the world had run out of interesting, that week …

A Farewell to Ice

Hanging out in Pasley Bay We weren’t expecting to get out of Pasley Bay on our last day there, and …

Foolish, Careless, or Unlucky?

Pack ice approaching Pasley Bay. “Well,” we thought. “Here we are again!” I’m talking, of course, about the south arm …

Farthest North

Beechey Island, at 74 1/2 degrees North latitude. It was cold as Polar Sun motored at length into the spacious …

Managed Expectations

Crossing Baffin Bay from Greenland to Baffin Island. The tricky thing about expectations is that no matter how well you …
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